Thursday, February 23, 2012

Storms: How to jump HURDLES

You know sometimes God will place stumbling blocks, obstacles, storms, or just plain old HURDLES in your path. When we come across these HURDLES, we must make a decision. We must decide if we are going to avoid the HURDLE, stumble over the HURDLE, or jump THE HURDLE. Now, depending on the situation, avoiding the HURDLE may keep you from getting into a situation that may make you fall to the ground. You may not be able to recover. Then, there may be a time where you may need to stumble over the HURDLE. In this case, stumbling brings your attention to a situation because it knocks you off balance; however, it gives you the opportunity to get up, brush yourself off, recalibrate your steps, and move forward. Now, the jump, is the hardest. Why? Well, it takes strength, concentration, focus, dedication, belief, confidence, persistence, practice, and perseverence.

In high school, I remember my coach trying to teach me how to jump hurdles. I took some deep breaths, looked at the lane leading to the first hurdle, I rocked back and forth and began to run. I accelerated my speed after the first six steps or so. I got two steps away from the HURDLE and stopped. AVOID! (only to realize that the HURDLE was too high) Boy, I could have really been hurt. My coach readjusts the HURDLE. I go back and repeat my previous routine.... I took some deep breaths, looked at the lane leading to the first hurdle, I rocked back and forth and began to run. I accelerated my speed after the first six steps or so, but this time my trail leg hit the edge of the HURDLE. My coach ran over to me and said, "Not bad, but you need to lift your trail leg up about a half an inch higher to AVOID hitting the edge of the HURDLE this time. So, I took some deep breaths, looked at the lane leading to the first hurdle, I rocked back and forth and began to run. I accelerated my speed after the first six steps or so, I lifted my trail leg a half an inch and JUMPED. I continued to run towards the second HURDLE and JUMPED, the third, fourth, fifth...tenth and JUMPED. I ran 50 more meters HURDLE free to the finish line. I am a WINNER.

What are your HURDLES? WHO is your COACH? God says that no weapons formed against me shall prosper.... WEAPONS:HURDLES



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