Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Storms: The Little Voice

I had a conversation today with a person that I consider a close friend. We began to talk about how sometimes things happen in our lives and we don't exactly know why they happen. Now, there are things that we do in our lives that we wish that we could do all over again. In life's race, we think that there should have been another outcome. Sometimes, we think that we should be the WINNER. But, at the end of the day, we are not, we LOST. Well, a powerful tool to use in life is SELF REFLECTION. Let's think about the life of a women or man (yes, man) that suffers from domestic violence. At what point, did they hear "the little voice" that said, "Joe or Jane Blo, he/she is a damn lunatic and you need to leave him/her alone?" This little voice told you this information after the first date, but you didn't listen. "The little voice", told you to stay home tonight, but you go to the club anyway. At the club, there is a big brawl and you get shot (Lord forbid that your dumb butt dies). Yes, "that little voice" that says, "You need to study for your test today because you might get caught". Well, you once again, did not listen to "the little voice" and now you got a zero on the test, a phone call home to mom, and a day in after-school detention. Really, how hard is it to listen to your "inner voice"? God has given all of us "Free Will". Keep in mind, the "little voice" that you hear are the gentle reminders from God telling you that I will always be there for you. However, due to free will, he has given us the option to listen or to mute the voice. Just know that muting that voice, may tune out the true opportunities that God has planned for us. So, "THE LITTLE VOICE" should always be on SPEAKER PHONE!

~Author Ni'Kay

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