Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Storms: The Moon Changes People!

Do you ever have those days where you wish you would have just stayed in the bed? Well, today was one of those days for me. When I was driving down the street, on my way to work, I realized that we had a full moon. Now, you may think that I am crazy for saying this, but I believe that the full moon drives students CRAZY. During the phase of the full moon, there are more disruptions (i.e. fights, minor altercations), parent complaints, teacher complaints, and administrator frustrations.

The FULL MOON turns people into werewolves. If I could do "another" dissertation, I would do it on the Effects of the Full Moon on Student Behavior. I know that I am not trying to go back and get another Doctorate, so I will just have to do some side research on this. I swear that this is the case. I bet that if you ask someone who works in the ER, a policeman, fireman, psych ward official, or anyone who works with the public in any way, they will tell you the PEOPLE GO CRAZY during a FULL MOON!

I'm just saying....


  1. Thank you to all of my followers...MUAH.

  2. Love it. Totally Believe it.. I would like to find out how you add these comment boxes and interesting and cool boxes and stuff. this is a blogspot right? I want to tell you that I Love your blogs. They are anecdotal....
